Though I was taking a break from blogging, I was not bored or lazy! I said in an earlier post that I was studying for my personal training certification, and while I was doing that I fulfilled my need to be creative by working on a design project for a high school classmate of mine, Whitney, and her business
Farm to Reception. Farm to Reception got it's start when Whitney and her husband, Matt, were planning their own wedding. Their vision included beautiful farm tables that they had a hard time actually finding for rent in New England. So they built their own and now rent out these lovely pieces of furniture to couples looking to add a rustic and elegant feel to their own New England wedding.
Whitney was looking for some help with designing a coupon that she could hand out at a wedding expo she was attending. She was looking to have coupons printed on
plantable coasters (which are the coolest things I have ever seen!). I offered to help, thinking I could use a challenging creative project, and she took me up on it!

I mocked up a few different ideas and sent them to her, and after a very brief back-and-forth we narrowed it down to one design, and I had a short list of tweaks to make to it.
After a couple weeks (and tweaks), I landed on the finished design! It was really simple, and lovely.
Whitney was so thoughtful in sending me a finished product; I can't tell you how incredible it is to hold a physical version of something I created in Photoshop!
It really is a dainty little thing to hold, and I love the feel of the wildflower seeds in the paper.
Whitney had the brilliant idea of including instructions for planting the coaster on the back of it.
It made for a nice easy way to include all of her contact information without crowding the front of the coaster, and leaving a completely empty space on the back.
Whitney sent a gorgeous thank you card along with the coaster.
If you live in New England and you're looking for beautiful, hand-made farm tables, please visit
Farm to Reception. Whitney and Matt have also begun their foray into renting accessories as well, including centerpieces, table runners, and dishes. They're a beautiful addition to an elegant and rustic wedding.