It's a different story now.
I use Mondays as my recharge day, but instead of being a slug I like to recharge by getting done all of the chores that fall to the wayside on the days I work. I play catch up on my blog-reading. I study. I prep my blog posts.
Most of all, I search for motivation.
Motivation for not one thing in particular, but for my life in general. I've done a lot of soul-searching in the past 6 months, and through that I've come to cement my goals in my mind. I want to be happy, healthy, knowledgeable, and most of all I want to be a source of light for the people around me.
What do I mean by "source of light?" Let me explain.
A year ago I was miserable. I hated my job, my friends were not very good at being my friend, and I was just generally stressed out and grumpy. In turn, I made everyone around me feel the same way. Not intentionally, mind you, I just complained a lot and my awful mood oozed out of my every pore. When I left my stressful job, I decided to change everything, including my terrible mood. I wanted my interactions with everyone to be a pleasure for them, and I wanted people to look forward to spending time with me, instead of bracing themselves for the inevitable barrage of negativity. I want to be a source of light.

This is the passage that I read today that is truly perfect for this post.
I spend every Monday doing the things I need to do (chores and running errands) and the things I love to do (blogging, and watching YouTube videos). I feel refreshed and renewed for the rest of my week, and I don't feel like I've wasted my day off.
Getting motivated is easy, it's staying motivated that's hard. How do you motivate yourself?
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